
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today's Joy Moment--A Listening Ear

Do you have days where you feel like no one really listens to you? (If you're a mom with small kids I know you do!) I have enough of them that I don't really pay much attention to the fact, but every once in a while, when someone really listens, it stands out.

Today was one of those days. Hubs was meeting with someone and I had the chance to stop by and say hello. I wasn't supposed to stay--I didn't intend to stay. But he asked a couple of well-timed, pointed questions and actually listened to my answers. It was lovely.

But even more than that (other writers will get this part especially), he asked specifically about projects I'm working on. And he got excited about them. And really engaged me in conversation about them. That was a big joy moment for me. Those moments tend to be isolated to the couple of writers conferences I go to every year (and it's months until the next one!). It was a unique pleasure to talk writing to someone who isn't part of that world, but was genuinely interested.

Has someone given you a sincere listening ear lately? What was your Joy Moment today?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday old buddy ole pal!!!!....Happy Birthday to you! :)



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