A change of scenery...

I have to apologize for not being very good at updating the blog lately. Yeah, things have been busy, but more than anything, my brain hasn't been running on the inspired side.

Sometimes all it takes to clear the cobwebs though is a change of scenery. We took a little trip to the coast to celebrate Father's Day and my dad's birthday. I didn't take many pictures as the batteries on my "good" camera were dead; but here's a little of what I saw. There was something for everyone in the family:

Tracks for the train lover

A high-end bike shop for Hubs (in a completely unexpected location).

A dirt bike that was just the right size for Boo (and that's as far as he's going on one for a looooong time!)

And sun, sand and sea creatures for me!

But even better, in a really short timespan, God gave me several thoughts that I'm excited to share with you in the coming days. (And next time I'm feeling stuck, I'm going to head west to the salt air and seagulls and see what He brings to mind.)
Where do you go when you need inspiration/to be refreshed?


Tammy said...

If I lived near a beach that is where I would go, but since I live far from there, I go to my quilting room to my rocker with my tea and gaze out my window or to my front porch. I live in the country so I love hearing the birds and seeing the open sky.

RefreshMom said...

It's great that you have that kind of beauty right outside your door Tammy!

Genny said...

Looks like a great time! Fun way to celebrate Father's Day.

Thanks so much for sharing over at my blog! I loved your Barnes and Noble story!


I go to the Prayer Path that God built here at Sweetbriar - SHEPHERD'S WALK. He meets me there in the Sanctuary Circle I talk and He listens and then HE talks and I listen!

Great pics! Thanks for sharing!

Choosing JOY,

RefreshMom said...

Stephanie, that sounds lovely! I look forward to the day when my inspiring place doesn't take a car to get to!

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